Ensuring everyone gets their share.
A tool to help split amounts between parties on eCash.
The biggest advantage with crypto currencies is the possibility of having peer-to-peer transactions, without third parties. This allows for non-custodial services that facilitate financial transactions without requiring trust, because they never hold the funds.
The Big Guy is one of those non-custodial services. It allows people to generate payment addresses that ensure the distribution of the funds received, to multiple parties, in pre-defined proportions, or shares.
This service generates addresses and allows people to monitor and distribute funds, but it does not control the funds. The distribution is controlled by the eCash network and the Bitcoin script powering the generated address.
The Big Guy is an open-source project available on GitHub.
You can deploy locally and generate exactly the same addresses, given the same parties, fees, and other
options. You can also provide feedback or report